Hi, I'm Kent L Johnson, an author from Kentuckiana.
Check out my novels, short stories, and other stuff in the links below. Feel free to follow my gardening tales, writing updates and other stuff. Write me a note, send me a line. Ask a question, tell me I'm a terrible/terrific writers. My stories are always out there, waiting to be discovered, analyzed and talked about. Don't worry if you don't get me, sometimes I don't get myself.
Brewmaster of Arabia: Nerdy with Magic Mushrooms
Bear Justice: Nasty Divorce with motorcycle gang overtures
Mendel's Release: Romance, Relationships and Lack of Commitment. Enjoy. Click on the pictures to go to Amazon.
Get in touch at Kent@KentLJohnson.com
Short Stories (published and unpublished)
The first seven titles below have the same main character who remains unnamed. Most of these were published in a now restricted ezine called The Weekenders Magazine, located at https://isuu.com/theweekendersmag . Now all the stories are published here, on the site.
Beat of the Alley (my first published story)
Estuary Trip - Weekenders magazine
P & J Sandwiches Published on Redfez.net (currently closed)
Reading Doughnut Danny - Weekenders Magazine
Dysfunctional Beat - Weekenders Magazine
Guiding Christmas Spirit -Weekenders Magazine
Hanging Around - Weekenders Magazine
Courage in the New Year - Flash fiction published by Burrst.com, now defunct. see blog.burrst.com
Double Entendre - To be published in a horror book of short stories, but book was dropped by publisher
Beer Drinking Puppets unpublished
Tomato Extremist unpublished
Killbatters Legend unpublished
Native Gold unpublished
Superhero Smackdown unpublished
Moving Regrets unpublished